~高階人才-High advanced TOEIC課程即日起開始招生~

課程名稱:高階人才-High advanced TOEIC課程
課程均以螺旋式教學,經由不斷練習及接觸題型的方式,使四大部分(聽說讀寫)結合模擬考,其規劃如下: Week 1~3 – Reading (Preparation, evaluation & Mock Tests): The answering time is important; please use your time wisely. In incomplete sentences and context, find clues to choose the correct verb form and meaning in the questions. This class will efficiently improve your vocabulary by distinguishing suffixes and prefixes, adjectives and adverbs, gerunds and infinitives, etc., which can easily enhance students’ reading fluency and answer the correct choice. Week 4~6 – Listening (Preparation, evaluation & Mock Tests): 4 parts are included. This part teaching will focus on: a. Use the photo and skim the context to predict what you will hear; b. Evaluate the meaning in Wh- questions; c. Give the test tip for the answer choices and the recording while facing different words. Listen to keywords is an important step to know the question’s main purpose. Before listen, lecturer will supervise you how to hear keywords without hesitating. Week 7~8 – Writing (Preparation, evaluation & Mock Tests): The strategies to contribute the writing tasks should be logical and systematic. In this part, lecturer will teach how to write a sentence exactly based on the picture. Moreover, tips of writing an opinion essay will be given in this class to support your answer. Week 9~10 – Speaking (Preparation, evaluation & Mock Tests):The tasks in the speaking Test are timed, time management should be taken to complete various tasks and maintain an appropriate pace to prepare and produce your responses. First, focus on phonological skills, such as pronunciation, intonation and stress. Grammar, key vocabulary and useful phrase will be taught to accurately perform your paragraph-length and meaningful responses. Week 11~12 – Review: The last two classes (six hours) will be planned to review the former classes. By integrating mock tests (adopt ETS authorized content and official test items), the classes will give a comprehensive review to help students practice them repeatedly. Students will not only get advanced skills of answering questions, but also have an overall knowledge of various fields, such as customer service evaluation, business request, factual data analysis, marketing and distribution, management training.
授課日期:每週三 晚上 6:30–9:30
老師:Mr. Michael Fagan
備註:*報名學員需提供多益英語測驗(TOEIC)成績達750分(含)以上之成績證明;若無TOEIC成績,歡迎事前告知。本會將免費安排模擬前測。 *3/10前報名可優惠500元;本課程使用消費卷者,實抵新台幣3600元。